Feb 18, 2011

New Etsy Shop

Once again, it's been a long time since I've posted anything. I'll try SO HARD to post at least a little something every couple of weeks, I promise!

I've been cooking a lot. My friends say I've "leveled up" a lot. I think I'm now around a level 100 cook, or something like that.

I started designing cross-stitch patterns and created an Etsy shop for them. The other Etsy shop is on an indefinite vacation. I probably won't work in resin casting again for a couple of reasons. 1: no space to do so that allows for adequate ventilation. 2: I realized that I'm creating plastic that will just go into the ground eventually and stay there. It's pretty much against all of my reusing and recycling convictions.Oh well.

So now I'll mostly be blogging about my cross stitching, cooking, and possibly delving into hair care alternatives. Shampoo is apparently horrible for your hair and I happen to have a book from the late 1800's with some great hair care tips. These pre-cosmetic industry how-to's are sure to have some wisdom behind them.

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